Practice Support

Quality & Safety


With our overarching commitment to patient safety and quality of care, ASGE offers various programs, initiatives and tools to guide and enhance members' performance in delivery utmost care to their patients.  

Signature quality programs offered by ASGE include:

Endoscopy Unit Recognition Program (EURP)

Honors units that have demonstrated a commitment to delivering quality and safety as reflected in their unit policies, credentialing, staff training and competency assessment, and quality improvement activities.

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GIQuIC is a collaborative effort to set the standards in quality improvement initiatives by improving clinical practice and patient outcomes with real-time peer-based performance evaluation.

Infection Control for GI Practices

Having a strong quality and safety program in your practice requires that you adopt and follow numerous guidelines from various sources. It also requires that your team knows the latest information about preventing infection transmission.

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Reprocessing and Infection Control

Reprocessing endoscopes and maintaining infection control are crucial safety concerns in a gastrointestinal endoscopic unit. ASGE encourages units to prioritize high safety standards.  

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ASGE Quality and Safety Programs

ASGE offers programs aimed at empowering physicians and non-physician staffs to create high quality endoscopy units. Strengthen the quality and safety infrastructure of your practice by being empowered, recognized, and prepared. 

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CMS Quality Programs

ASGE advocates for fairness and transparency in quality and efficiency programs that help practices succeed in public reporting. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have several quality reporting programs that have significant impact on practices and physician reimbursement

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